How to Implement Literacy Mandates in Ontario School Boards
A virtual conversation with
Dr. Todd Cunningham
Implementing the new Ministry of Education literacy mandates in Ontario may seem daunting. Our team is here to help.
From choosing the best tool for your staff, figuring out a process for assessing students, and finally deciding what to do with the results once you have them, there’s a lot to consider.
Join Dr. Todd Cunningham and the Learn Different Team on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, for an open conversation about how to roll-out these new mandates successfully.
In this session you will be provided with an overview and understanding of;
The Science of Reading
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and why it is necessary for Literacy Development and Instruction
How screening data can be used to facilitate practical examples of instruction
How you can connect/think about Reading Intervention Tools as Accommodations and Supports.
Please include questions when registering so that we can address them effectively during the session.
Free resources will be provided to all that attend.
Want to learn more but can’t make it to either session?
Let us know by completing this form and we’ll
make sure you’re invited to the next session!
Who is Dr. Todd Cunningham?
Dr. Todd Cunningham is a highly accomplished Clinical and School Psychologist, currently serving as an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, at the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Trent University, a Master of Arts, and a Ph.D. in School and Clinical Child Psychology from the University of Toronto. His expertise in literacy helped to shape the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read Report.
What is Learn Different?
Founded by Dr. Todd Cunningham in 2016, Learn Different empowers educators by bringing research into practice — developing and delivering evidence-based instruction methods for educators.
As advocates for the science of learning, Learn Different’s team of developmental researchers, learning specialists, teachers, psychologists, psycho-educators, and content experts are working to ensure that every student has the opportunity to learn.
Learn Different develops and delivers resources and teacher training — in person and virtually — across North America. Consulting and collaborating with schools and their communities — in addition to educational and government agencies — to develop the skills and maximize the efficacy of local teachers.